Friday, November 11, 2011

I Am So Excited About This Sunday!!

I just want to share with you a little preview of this Sunday because...

  •  we are going to laugh together a lot... 
  • I will be unveiling some new details about many of the transitions we are making as a church... 
  • and I promise that we are just going to really enjoy ourselves!

Whatever you had planned to do this Sunday morning... CHANGE THOSE PLANS AND BE IN CHURCH... because you do not want to miss Sunday!! If you do, you will be way behind everyone else... as you engage in conversations you will feel like you really missed out, because you will!! 

And as a little preview we are beginning a new series called....

Isn't it amazing that really the most constant reality of life on planet earth is change... that the most CERTAIN truth about life is UNCERTAINTY!!

Change is inevitable in life... we know that so well because winter is pressing in on us faster and faster... and for some it is a FESTIVE CHANGE and for others this is the season they are most bitter and cold... (in both ways!)... it is a FRUSTRATING CHANGE

Change is inevitable in life... it is a guarantee... and still, we find ourselves fighting it at every turn it seems... 

So don't miss this week!  I promise that if you come with an empty cup God will fill you to overflowing... it will be one of the great and memorable worship gatherings we ever have!!  And who knows maybe even through this series on CHANGE, God might CHANGE YOU!!

p.s. Also don't forget to bring in food with you this Sunday... I saw that Wal-Mart in Cobleskill had canned vegetables, name brands on sale for $.68 a can... that is a steal!! So load up the cart and lets bless our local food pantries this Thanksgiving!

See you Sunday!!

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