Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Just One More... At Any "STAFF Cost!

Another change that is a part of this journey is adding more paid staff roles to what we call the Executive Team of leaders for our church.  Specifically, we need to address some weaknesses in our church as it relates to...

(1) connecting new people to the church 
(2) better equip the current Christ Followers to mature in their walk 

So, in anticipation of this change we have started with a nationwide search to address these two weaknesses by posting job openings targeting experienced and trained pastors.  We are still seeking God’s direction at exactly how we are going to implement these two new staff positions, but we are starting with looking at individuals who have experience & training that could help us get off the ground running.

At this stage we don't know exactly what this will look like or how long this process might take, but we are joining together to pray that God’s Will would be evident throughout this process.

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