Thursday, August 18, 2011

THE "New Beginning"

Well... here we find ourselves in Schoharie County on a mid August day in 2011... and we have officially arrived at the "NEW BEGINNING" of a journey that no one could have predicted or imagined, and when we serve the God who does the impossible on a regular basis, why are we surprised by His consistent ability to surpass our imagination?

My guess is, if you are reading this post, and maybe even subscribing to get updated as more posts are shared, that is some small way you are interested in keeping tabs on what is going on at Cobleskill Wesleyan Church.  This blog is going to be a way to stay a little more connected to the church leadership as we try to navigate the future as God directs our path.  That doesn't mean that we have ANYTHING figured out, but we are taking one step at a time in faith, trying to follow God's lead in every area.

So... as we continue this journey... TOGETHER... whether in person right here every Sunday, or in spirit from down the street or around the country... I humbly ask you to pray for us and pray over us that we might fulfill God's mandate in OUR MISSION FIELD!!

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